Sunday, December 20, 2009

Five Years

Hannah Grace Born Still December 22, 2004
Winton Jacob Born/Died December 23, 2004

Why is that certain years hurt harder than others?
This is one of those years.
Five years, five years, how does that happen?
Where does time go?

It was five years ago that we lost a piece of us.
It was five years ago that we thought our dreams could never come true.
It was five years ago that everything changed.
It was five years ago that I truly felt my heart break.
It was five years ago that my strength was tested.
It was five years ago that I held you in my arms for the first and last time.

It was five years ago that something bad happened to us, but its not still happening.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Jaidyn's 4th Birthday

Four years old!
Four years old!
Can you believe it?
Can you believe it?
MOM- can you even believe I am four years old!

I can't, I can't believe my little baby is becoming a girl now.

For Jaidyn's 4th birthday we had a flower party! Jaidyn wanted the whole party to be about flowers. The decorations, the cake, her dress, other peoples dresses......
It was so cute. She had it planned for a whole month. I kept asking her is there anything else you want- Dora or something? and she just kept telling me "mom. we already talking about this!"

The party turned out amazing. Every seemed to really have a nice time. I loved watching the kids play and just relaxing with all of our wonderful family and friends. It really couldn't have gotten any better.

And as I tucked Jaidyn quietly into to bed, she looked up at me with her big eyes and said:

"Mom- I can't wait till I'm five"

Jaidyn Preschool

For Christmas at the daycare they celebrate the week before. Santa comes and visits and the kids have a small little singing concert and than a little party. Last year I didn't get to come so I was very excited to join the festivities this year.

Jaidyn very much enjoyed seeing Santa, although the next day she said, "so...that was a different kind of Santa" He was very tall and skinny. It was super funny. I of course just changed the subject!!

Lincoln of course had no idea what was happening but he enjoyed it just the same. The kid loves school so it was just like any day!

Jaidyn's Birthday Dinner/Santa Visit

Last year we started a tradition of taking Jaidyn to see Santa and going to dinner for her birthday. Last year she was scared to death of dinner at Rain Forest Cafe and Santa. This year she was thrilled with both, her being four and all! Jaidyn loved it but Lincoln was so scared he wouldn't eat and he screamed every time the gorillas made noises!
We went on a wednesday which was kids days so dinners were only 1.99 and I had a coupon for $10 of a $25 purchase. We made out like bandits for dinner, it was great.

So after dinner we went to see Santa. I was feeling great about all of the money we saved and than I had to pay $20 for one picture with Santa. But you got a free ornament also. All I had to do was go on line pick whatever ornament I wanted and than upload a picture and it was here in two days! and it is soo cute!!

The Santa at Great Lakes Crossing was so great. He was wonderful with the kids and he looked so real! He even made me cry, but who am I kidding......I am sap I cry at everything!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas Pictures!

Christmas Card Photo Shoot
I am very lucky to have a "live in" photographer.
Dave is very talented at capturing the kids personality's in pictures!
Jaidyn was of course very excited for the Christmas card photo shoot. She gets very excited every time we take pictures of them!

At first Lincoln was too involved with the tree to get him to cooperate but eventually Jaidyn gave him a toy and it worked out better!

Jaidyn of course did great! I love this picture of her! She is growing into such a big girl!

Both Dave and I are so lucky to have two beautiful children!

Hanging Up the Tree

Every year the day after Thanksgiving we put up our christmas tree. Jaidyn absolutely loves doing this. She thinks it is so fun to look at all the ornaments and talk about who got them for us and why.
Lincoln was very into putting up the decorations also, although for different reasons. He kept grabbing everything. It was very cute. This year we decided not to put up the snow village since Lincoln is into everything!

Even Sage got in on the fun!

After the decorating fun Jaidyn showed us all of her dance moves!!!

I really enjoyed decorating with my family and love doing it every year!

The Flower Girl

For Jaidyn's Birthday she wanted to have a "Flower Party"
She specifically told me she wanted everyone to wear flower clothes and celebrate. So for her invitation she wanted to take pictures in her beautiful dress to use. So Dave set up the living room for a photo shoot and these are the amazing pictures that developed!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Being Thankful.
For some people this is something that does not come easy. For others too easy.
This year as always I have a lot to be grateful for.
I have a wonderful husband who cares for me tremendously and listens to me talk all the time!
I have two beautiful children that I honestly could not live with out!
I have incredible family support. My mom, dad, sisters, in-laws, extended family are all amazing!
I have a great group of friends that I can really depend on!

This thanksgiving we spent thanksgiving day at my mom and dads and that Friday at Dave's mom and dads. It was nice to just relax and enjoy family time.

While we were at my mom & dads Jaidyn did a little cleaning...

What a great way to spend the holidays....
Being Thankful.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

5 years ago this day...... world fell apart.

I prayed for this child
and the lord answered my prayer
and gave her to me.

Now, I dedicate her to the
lord. She will belong to the
lord all her life.

It was five years ago on the day after thanksgiving when my water broke around baby A (Hannahn Grace)
I didn't know what was happening at the time and little did I know that my life was falling apart right before my very eyes. What was supposed to be the start of our lives was turning into a nightmare.
In the weeks to come I never thought I would be able to find peace again. I thought I would never be able to pick my self up off the ground and life again.

But I did.

and I am a better person because of it.

My Jaidyn Miracle!

When I wake up in the morning I always hear:
"MOM! Can I get up now!"
and as tired as I usually am at 7 or 8 and sometimes 6 every morning I am so grateful that I have been blessed with my biggest miracle Jaidyn!

Jaidyn reminds me daily that I shouldn't take things so seriously and that the love of a child is the most amazing feeling in the world. She loves us unconditionally and is always making us laugh super hard.

For he upcoming birthday she wanted to have a flower party where everyone where's flower dresses. So in preparation we had a to do a photo shoot for the invites and she was very excited about it! She even asked me if we could pretend she was four already!

I am so grateful for my Jaidyn Isabell and all the amazing life lessons she teaches me!

My Dad is Amazing!

Honestly maybe amazing isn't even the best word, he is truly wonderful. Three weeks ago when we found out my dad had two massive tumors in his brain, embedded in a spot that the surgeon was concerned about, we were all very scared. But Wednesday after my dad being in surgery for four hours and the doctor came out and said, "actually the surgery went very well and we removed almost all of the tumor" it was amazing and he said "and he is already starting to move his arm"
They only removed one of the tumors this time, the one on the right of his brain and they were concerned about paralysis on his left side. But he is doing wonderful.

My dad has always been known as the "strong" one in the family. He is a health nut, works out regularly and is very good with his money. I am always told I am a lot like my father and I truly think that is a complement. I am so proud to call him my Dad.

Lincoln & his Wagon!

For Lincoln's Birthday he got this awesome wagon from our best friends the Bolingers.
And he LOVES it:
We are so lucky to have such amazing friends brought to us by tragedy but staying with us through the wonderful times! We love you guys!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Halloween 2009

Halloween 2009

For this years Halloween Jaidyn dressed as the little mermaid and Lincoln dressed as Flounder. They were both super cute. Jaidyn thought it was really cute to have Lincoln dressed as her best friend!

Since Halloween was on a saturday this year we headed down to my sister Kimmy's in Dearborn and celebrated with family. It was great. Well besides the fact that Jaidyn spiked a 102 fever right before we were supposed to go trick or treating.

But nothing would keep my Jaidyn down, a little bit of tylenol and she was on her way. We went for about two blocks and she was cute. Lincoln just sat back in his wagon and giggled, it was great!

We had so much fun! and we were exhausted, even Porter was exhausted!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Carving the Pumpkins!!

The week before Halloween it was pumpkin carving time.
Dave & Jaidyn got out the paumpkins and started deciding on designs.

Jaidyn loved sticking her hands in the pumpkins and pulling out the "guts" They carved pumpkins for several hours and than made pumpkin seeds.

Jaidyn was very proud of the mess she made, which was a lot! Although Dave made the most mess, I am not sure who had more fun the kids or Dave!

Lincoln sat close by and watched and clapped his hands!
"Just wait till next year"- I can just hear Lincoln thinking this!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

A night out!

For the last three years Grand Blanc has been doing a family fun fest in the fall with rides for the kids and a beer tent night for the grown ups!! So 2 years ago Dave and I went and had a ton of fun. Last year I was about to give birth to Lincoln so we couldn't go. So this year we deiced to invite some friends and head out for the night!

Kim Holbrook and I have been spending some time together over the last month but this was the first time we had been out with Josh also. It was fun except that the music was SOOO loud it was really hard to hear anyone!

Before we went to the tent party. My sister Kim, Dave and I went to Redwood and had a beer and so dinner. It was really good, I LOVE the Redwood salad and my favorite beer is the Cream Stout. I love it! I must admit this was my favorite part of the evening just chilling with 2 of my favorite people! It was nice to get out for a bit but it makes you really appreciate being home!

LC's Birthday!

Happy Birthday to You!
Happy Birthday to You!
Happy birthday to my dear Pumpkin!
Happy Birthday to You!

I can't believe my baby is one! Where did the year go? I really can't believe that a whole year has gone by. It has been amazing. Lincoln is the cutest baby and always very happy! He is 20 lbs. He really isn't walking yet but on October 21st, he took about 4 steps on his own.
It has been a very interesting year for LC health wise. He has been very sick just about every week. He has been on about 12 antibiotics in 6 months. So in September we had his adenoids removed, so far I have not seen that much of an improvement but still hoping for it!

LC's Birthday Party was great! We had a big shindig. I decorated everything with Pumpkins and made Chili and hot dogs! It was the perfect fall day!

Abby's Birthday

Jaidyn's loves a party! Especially a really important one!
Jaidyn's best friend Abby just turned 4!
Jaidyn says she is a big girl now!

For weeks we practiced how to sing Happy Birthday to Abby, and Jaidyn could not wait till the party came.
So I asked Jaidyn to tell me what her favorite thing about Abby is and she said "Her dresses and she is my best friend"

Having know the Shifflett's for only a little over a year we are very lucky to have found such good friends. The girls may have brought us together but in the end we are so lucky to have such great friends for ourselves!