Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Friends, friends, friends!

Well here are the HUGS  moms. These are the ladies from the support group Dave and I went to maybe twice.  The support group itself was too hard for me but all the ladies would go to dinner once a month and I started tagging along.  The dinners were a little more casual, don't get me wrong we have all spent plenty a time crying for hours in a restaurant.  But for me to just say how I felt without being judged meant the world to me and saved me MANY times from having a breakdown.  These women are amazing strong people.  They have all been an inspiration to me.  The way that they all can continue on with life after such a tragic situation is truly something that I value in each and every one on them. It has been hard for me too find time to get out with the ladies lately but on Tuesday we finally made a night for the ladies to go out by themselves!

It was such a fun night! I love that I can completely be myself and say how I am feeling and no one looks at me like I am crazy. I wish everyone had friends like this. Really I do. What is even more amazing to me is that in some cases I had never really even "met" some of these people and they are great friends. Thanks to email and of course facebook. Like take Krista for instance, Laura and Mary had just raved about her and they kept saying I would love her and of course I do!!! She is a great person and when she ordered a bells I knew we would be great friends!!!! I had a great time with all of these wonderful ladies and I am so glad they are in my life!!

My favorite gift!

Isn't this great!!!  It is so cute.  We have some really good friends who got us this for our Lincoln "welcome" gift.  It is great.  I love seeing our names on it.  It is such a personal gift.  The Bolingers (the great people the gift came from) have been friends with us for four years now.  We met not long after we lost the twins.  We were attending a support group for the first time (where we also met some other amazing strong people but I will talk about that later) and we were standing in the hallway and across from us was another couple who happened to be Kim & Jason.  They looked as broken as we felt.  Their daughter Ryleigh passed away the day after Winton did.  Standing there looking at each other we knew we would be bonded for life ironically by death.  Kim & Jason have been amazing friends.  We have been through so much with them.  We even went on a "let off some steam" trip to Mexico.  Where I actually found out I was pregnant with Jaidyn.  Not long after that Kim became pregnant with Caden.  Isn't that cute Jaidyn & Caden!  You know we have already planned their wedding.
Kim then became pregnant with Carson and not much later I was pregnant with Lincoln- whom we really almost named something that ended in -son just for sake of keeping the tradition!
Now as we pass the 4th anniversary of loosing the twins I want to acknowledge something good that came from this.  A friendship that can never be replaced!  We love you guys!

Monday, December 22, 2008

4 Years

Well it was four years ago today that I went into labor with my twins Winton & Hannah.  Even though it has been 4 years it feels just like yesterday.  I remember the day very well.  I remember feeling like our world was falling apart and it was falling apart.  Most people would have been very excited to head to the hospital to deliver their babies but for us we knew that our babies would be born to early and would not survive.  First Hannah was born and than the next day our son Winton was born.  Hannah was born still and Winton only lived for minutes.  I have never felt this way, it was awful.  Dave and I were devastated.  We watched our dreams shatter right before us.   The pain was unbearable and even after all these years it still hurts just the same.  
This Christmas will be different though.  We have a beautiful 3 year old Jaidyn who is an absolute doll and our sweet baby boy Lincoln that is 2 months old.  Having them makes things easier.  Although it doesn't stop the pain it helps ease it.  Our beautiful babies are our world.  We love them more than anything.  Although we can not change what has happened to us we can continue forward and learn from everything.  We are shaped by our past.  Our twins have helped make us who we are today.  I will never forget Hannah and Winton they will live in our hearts forever.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Jaidyn Sings Frosty the Snowman!

Today the Rainney family had a snow day!  Dave stayed home from work, Jaidyn stayed home from school and well I guess Lincoln and I are always home!  We had a great day.  Dave and I worked, than the kids took a nap. After that Jaidyn and Dave went out to build a snowman but Dave couldn't build a snowman, he said the snow wouldn't pack.  Honestly I just think he doesn't know how to!!  So since They couldn't build one Jaidyn decided she would sing!  It is great, my favorite part is the "broomstick in his head"

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Jaidyn's 3rd Birthday

The princess party was a success!!!  As you can see above Jaidyn and her best friend Abby were quite excited!
Jaidyn got lots of great presents and we enjoyed a wonderful day with our friends and family.
Jaidyn's actual birthday is tomorrow and so we told her she could go anywhere she wants for her birthday.  Her response "Santa's House!"
So tomorrow we will be doing that, I am very excited to see her reaction.  She said she is going to hold Lincoln because he will be afraid!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

I have so many things to be grateful for. First my wonderful husband, my beautiful daughter, and my amazing son.  I have such a great family and I am very luck to have all three of them.  Of course I very thankful for the rest of my family and all of my wonderful friends.  I am very lucky to have them all in my life.  This year we spent thanksgiving day at my sister Danielle's house and the day after at Dave's parents house.  We also spent sometime this weekend working on buying christmas gifts, it fun. I love getting family gifts.