Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sometimes it just comes rushing back

Sometimes you are just rolling along with your life and something brings all of those feelings rushing back. Most of the time I can't tell you what makes the feelings come back but it just happens. I guess grief works that way.
I have learned so much over the last 4 1/2 years.
When I lost my babies my world fell apart but what I didn't know know was that it would teach me a world full of lessons that I may never had know.
Just recently I was reminded that even though we ask ourselves why? There is usually an answer.
I remember a moment not long ago when I realized not everyone can have angel babies, not everyone could handle what we did, not everyone could not only be a vessel for life but a vessel that can carry angels.
I don't consider myself lucky that this happened to me but I do consider myself lucky to have had the experiences I have and to have met the amazing people that I have.

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away”

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Lincoln is 8 months old!

Wow! Where does the time go? It has been an incredible 8 months!
Lincoln is 19 pounds but with all of the throwing up he has been doing you would think he wouldn't be gaining any weight. We finally went to an allergist today and now he is being tested for Milk, soy and dog allergies. He now has to have breathing treatments twice a day and we had to switch to the really expensive formula! We are really hoping this will all help so he doesn't have to be throwing up anymore!
Besides being sick he has been through a lot of changes in the last month. Now that he is crawling he is really on the move! I can barely sit down for a second now he is off to check everything out! I am enjoying watching him changing every day! We are very lucky!

Jaidyn & Lincoln's New Playhouse

Thanks to Grandma & Papa - Jaidyn & Lincoln have a new playhouse!
Jaidyn was so excited to put it together, she couldn't wait till after dinner when we headed out to the garage! Jaidyn helped daddy put it together and than tonight Jaidyn and I got to place it into her new play area in the backyard. Dave worked very hard putting the play area together and now Jaidyn has a wonderful place to play!
She keeps asking me when all of her friends and cousins will be coming over to play- consider that an invitation and we hope to see all of you soon!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Lincoln Crawling!

And off he goes!!!
All I did was set LC down this evening and he was off! It was so exciting, I was clapping, Jaidyn was clapping and than both Jaidyn & I were running around the house looking for our cameras. I can't believe my baby is growing up so fast! Where did the time go! One a great end to another rough week! Keep going baby Lincoln soon enough you will be walking!