Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Baby Swing & The Airwick Freshener

This is the best story ever! Lincoln's baby swing has been a life saver. Just about everyday he is taking his naps in the swing and he loves it. So it should be no surprise when I tell you the motor on the swing broke. Yes I do think this means my son spends way too much time in his swing!!! So last Thursday while Lincoln was taking his nap the swing just stops. So I called the manufacturer and they wanted $50 for the new part to fix it. Can you believe it $50, well since he is almost to the weight limit I figured I would just have to throw out the swing because I didn't want to spend that kind of money. So Dave gets home from work and he says "well I can fix it" now I must tell you I did not believe he could do it, sure he is a computer wiz but an infant swing fixer I wasn't so sure. SO he does the research and finds out the motor is a cheap $2 part but he can't order from anywhere because all the places have $1000 minimum orders. Yes this is turning into quite the story! SO during his further research he finds out that the same motor is used in an


Can you believe it? So I look for a coupon online, finda $4 off coupon and send Dave to Walmart where he buys the above product for $8 out the door! $8- ha! take that Fisher Price!
So literaly a half an hour later the swing is fixed! I must tell you Dave at this point thinks he is quite the man! And really at this point I must say I am very impressed. So the moral of the story is really you can fix anything!


The Bragg's said...

OMG! I have this swing too, good to know. And good to know my son was not the only one who spent to much time in that swing - LOL! Drew had acid reflux as a baby and for weeks on end, it was the only place he would sleep... and I mean nights too! And I love the way you tell the story, it cracked me up, esp. "take that FP"

Laura said...

Love it Jo! If anything breaks in my house I'm calling Handy-Man-Dave! That is awesome!! I think that my brother and SIL have that swing- I'll have to send them a link to this blog... (just in case!)
(My kids were all swing kids too!)