Thursday, April 16, 2009

Lincoln is 6 Months Old!!!

I can't believe my little boy is already 6 months old! A whole half a year! WOW! Time sure does fly by quickly! He is so big right now he weights 17 pounds and is 22 inches long. He is such a big boy- he is trying to crawl so bad.

He can sit up on his own but not for very long, I have to be there to catch him!!!!! I enjoy watching him get big but of course it make me very sad also!
At only 6 months old he already has such a great personality. He is a very happy baby that wants to jump around and play all the time- and smile a ton! We are very lucky to have such wonderful kids!!


The Bragg's said...

Happy 6th month birthday!

Laura said...

What a doll baby!!! Where does the time go?? Happy half year birthday Lincoln!!! Love and Hugs!