Sunday, January 18, 2009

Lincoln is 3 Months Old!

Is it just me or is he the cutest kid you ever saw! I can not believe he is already three months old. How does time go by so fast? I can not believe how alert he is. He is laughing so much and really starting to show his personality.
Oh and he so looks like his Dad! Man that makes me mad, I spend nine months doing all this work and 24 hours of labor and the boy looks just like his Daddy! That is so not fair!
He is such a great addition to our family. Everyday I thank my lucky stars that I have two amazing children on earth- oh and a great husband to go with it! I enjoy so much watching Lincoln's face just light up every time Jaidyn talks to him. He lets out these big belly laughs and the biggest smiles I have ever seen.

Lincoln is absolutely the best baby, well besides Jaidyn. He is sleeping very well, which helps a ton! He usually goes down for the night around 8 and doesn't get up till about 5- which is awesome. Although I still never sleep thru the night because I am constantly making sure him & Jaidyn are ok. He actually one day slept until 7:30- which to me is officially sleeping thru the the night! I am very grateful for all of my wonderful blessings!

1 comment:

Laura said...

Adorable! I can't believe he's three months old already! My time is certainly flying!