Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My Dad is Amazing!

Honestly maybe amazing isn't even the best word, he is truly wonderful. Three weeks ago when we found out my dad had two massive tumors in his brain, embedded in a spot that the surgeon was concerned about, we were all very scared. But Wednesday after my dad being in surgery for four hours and the doctor came out and said, "actually the surgery went very well and we removed almost all of the tumor" it was amazing and he said "and he is already starting to move his arm"
They only removed one of the tumors this time, the one on the right of his brain and they were concerned about paralysis on his left side. But he is doing wonderful.

My dad has always been known as the "strong" one in the family. He is a health nut, works out regularly and is very good with his money. I am always told I am a lot like my father and I truly think that is a complement. I am so proud to call him my Dad.

1 comment:

Laura said...

So happy everything went well friend! What a wonderful picture of you two!!!