Sunday, August 16, 2009

LC in 10 Months old!

Where did the time go? I can not believe that in 2 months my baby will be a year old! He is so cute! I love that all I have to do is look at him and he smiles! At his check up he was 19 1/2 Lbs. & 28 Inches long!
He is everywhere. He tries to get in the bathroom, climb up the stairs, in fact just this morning he fell off the stairs and got his first big bruise on his face! He really is the happiest baby ever, he is constantly smiling and laughing, it is great. Now if we could only get him to sleep a little!!
Happy 10 month birthday baby boy!

1 comment:

Laura said...

ADORABLE!!! I have no other words- odd for a fellow blogger and commenter on all things! ;-)
You are all so blessed!