Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sometimes it just comes rushing back

Sometimes you are just rolling along with your life and something brings all of those feelings rushing back. Most of the time I can't tell you what makes the feelings come back but it just happens. I guess grief works that way.
I have learned so much over the last 4 1/2 years.
When I lost my babies my world fell apart but what I didn't know know was that it would teach me a world full of lessons that I may never had know.
Just recently I was reminded that even though we ask ourselves why? There is usually an answer.
I remember a moment not long ago when I realized not everyone can have angel babies, not everyone could handle what we did, not everyone could not only be a vessel for life but a vessel that can carry angels.
I don't consider myself lucky that this happened to me but I do consider myself lucky to have had the experiences I have and to have met the amazing people that I have.

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away”


The Bragg's said...

Gotta love how the waves of grief work.... sometimes I wish they could come with warning... you are right though, through your angel babies you have learned so much, and grown in ways never dreamed possible. I know my 2 little angels have taught me more in their brief lives then any other person on earth, because of them I am a better person.

Laura said...

Thinking of you friend- Glad we aren't alone on this rollar coaster of life! You are grace!

aighmeigh said...

It is so hard to come to the understanding that with death comes a more profound understanding of life and its blessings. You hit the nail on the head when you said that not everyone can handle what you've lived through, but I am a firm believer in the idea that we're never given anything we can't make it through. Recently I've been reminding myself of that on the regular.