Sunday, March 22, 2009

LC is 5 Months Old!!

oh how time flies!!!
I can't believe my sweet baby has hit 5 months old. He is SOOO big!!
and adorable of course. He is doing so great! He rolls over back and forth all the time. He is very into watching his hands, he likes to touch things and than look at his hands- it is so cute. He is starting to sit up on his own and now eats cereal and veggies-this week we are starting him on fruit which I have no doubt he will love them!
Lincoln is such a good baby. He sleeps through the night, which is great. I honestly think he has to be the happiest baby ever!

I am so lucky to have been blessed with another wonderful baby! Every day I count my blessings! He absolutely takes my breathe away every time I even think of him!
I could not imagine my life any different!

"When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around."- Willie Nelson


The Bragg's said...

He is a cutie! so is your daughter, love the St. Patty's day pics! Drew would like her - lol.

Love the quote!

Laura said...

I can't believe how big he is either!!! I really can't believe that I haven't met him in person!!! Where does the time go indeed! Love the blogs friend!