Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year!

What a great start to 2010!
We had all of our sisters and nephews over for Rock Band and Crab Legs!

We had the best crab legs ever! They were sooo Yummy! Yummy!

2009 was a good year but I am very much looking forward to a great 2010.

I am so lucky to have such a great family and this year as part of my new years resolution is to spend more time to with them and do more things together.
My other resolution is to get into better shape. I want to be able to run 5 miles, and I know I can do it!

Happy New Year Everyone!

Christmas 2009

This year Christmas was the best Christmas I have had in five years!
We did our usual Christmas Eve at Kimmy's and than Christmas Day Dave's parents and sister came over.
For Christmas Eve we had Italian sausage and spaghetti and fondue!
We have been doing this for about 4 years and every year it just gets better and better.
For Christmas day Dave's family came over our house in the early afternoon and we had a chicken chili and just relaxed, it was great.
Later after the kids got up from naps we ordered take out Chinese! It was so nice!
The best part of Christmas this year was watching the kids enjoy it!
Jaidyn is finally understanding what Christmas is and Lincoln just loved playing in all the boxes.
I feel like it was just finally the way Christmas should be!